


三澤 遥 | 1982年群馬県生まれ。デザイナー。日本デザインセンター三澤デザイン研究室室長。武蔵野美術大学准教授。同大学工芸工業デザイン学科卒業後、デザインオフィスnendoを経て、2009年より日本デザインセンター原デザイン研究所に所属。2014年より三澤デザイン研究室として活動開始。ものごとの奥に潜む原理を観察し、そこから引き出した未知の可能性を視覚化する試みを、実験的なアプローチによって続けている。主な仕事に、水中環境を新たな風景に再構築した「waterscape」、かつてない紙の可能性を探求した「動紙」、国立科学博物館の移動展示キット「WHO ARE WE」、隠岐ユネスコジオパーク泊まれる拠点「Entô」のアートディレクション、上野動物園の知られざる魅力をビジュアル化した「UENO PLANET」がある。著書に『waterscape』(出版:X-Knowledge)。

佐々木 耕平|デザイナー

鈴田 克弥|デザイナー

鈴木 正樹|デザイナー

水野 真由|デザイナー

山口 敏生|デザイナー

柴田 美紀|デザイナー

曽根 良恵|プロデューサー

Potential wonder in trivial things is expanded by the minimum behavior. They give a form to the experience that a familiar thing feels like an un-familiar thing as a universal language with people worldwide. Vastness in the microworld and de tails in the macroworld. Complexity in simplicity and simplicity in complexity. The in-sect vision and the bird vision. For a moment and a century later. Going back and forth be-tween these two worlds, they are trying to increase the purity of what they create. They work on things that design has never done before, in areas and with people who have never had anything to do with design. They believe that design is to keep creating things that make people evoke the question, “Is this design?”

Haruka Misawa _ Art Director, Designer

Haruka Misawa was born in Gunma Prefecture in 1982. Director of the Misawa Design Laboratory, Nippon Design Center. Associate Professor at Musashino Art University. After graduating from the Interior Design Course of Musashino Art University and working at the design office nendo, she joined Hara Design Institute at Nippon Design Center in 2009. She founded Misawa Design Institute in 2014. Misawa Design Institute use an experimental approach, attempting to observe the principles behind things and visualize the unknown possibilities to be found there.Her major works include “waterscape,” which reconstructed the underwater environment into a new landscape; “Doshi,” which explored the possibilities of paper as never before; “WHO ARE WE,” a mobile exhibition kit for the National Museum of Nature and Science; art direction for “Entô,” a base where visitors can stay at the Oki UNESCO Geopark; and “UENO PLANET,” which visualized the hidden charm of the Ueno Zoo. She is the author of “waterscape” (published by X-Knowledge).


Kohei Sasaki _ Designer
Katsuya Suzuta _ Designer
Masaki Suzuki _ Designer
Mayu Mizuno _ Designer
Toshiki Yamaguchi _ Designer
Miki Shibata _ Designer
Yoshie Sone _ Producer